
Nil Book Review

Nil by Lynne Mastson
My Ratings - 5/5 Stars

I guess this is the type of the book that you'll either hate or love it sooo much. For me its clear which path picked.

THIS! Now this is what I call a brilliant book! AMAZING!!! I'm so in love with this one!

1) You're nails will get short for sure, guaranteed - why? cause you'll bite them all the way...
2) You might end up crying at some moment...
3) STRESS - A lot of it
4) ADDICTION (towards this book even if its a stand alone)
5) You'll get hysterical at some point.
6) You will freak out your friends because of all the points above

I don't know what the others say but THIS book is THE best one I've read this year. AWESOME. I loved Charley and Thad sooo much all throughout the book. Lynne Matson, you've done a very good job on the plot, I salute you. Seriously people, its not easy to write a book about something like that. There would be a lot, a lot of loop holes if its not written properly and would just bring the whole book down. If you have read most of my reviews, you would know how annoyed I get with too much suspense or too little suspense. But this book, despite revolving around a mystery, did it pretty well.

The book starts with Charley in her usual life, entering the inbound gate for NIL and I got hooked at that point itself. Next chapter is Thad's and I was sooo happy to see this as a dual point of view! I found it creepy, the way he thought of Nil as this girl who is bored and just decides to play with humans as toys... Charley survives that long without any human contact, now thats something I really admire about her. She has got guts. Even though the attraction between Thad and Charley was like insta-love, they kind of delayed their feelings a lot and it was fun seeing this aspect in the most bind-blowingly creepy island.

I have sooo much to tell you about this book! But I'll keep it short for your sake. This book gives you sooo many intense feelings. Maybe it's because of the time thats running out for Thad, I mean they all have 365 days to get out. Or the creepy incidents that happen to these kids or maybe the fact that they are just as old as me and get thrown into this situation. Charley and Thad look at Nil from very different point of views. They have very different thoughts of this island and that's one aspect that I like very much. Now, just because I say that this book is awesome doesn't mean that there are no deaths.

It keeps you at your edge until the end. Until the last chapter, really. OMG, the last few pages, I ran out of nails to bite and started going crazy. It was sooo good to see that what happened in Nil wasn't like a dream or something. I just wish there was a way this book would continue cause there is just so much more to this book and it really doesn't end there since the Nil is still there. PEOPLE JUST GO READ THIS BOOK! OKAY? GO READ IT NOW. NO TIME TO DELAY. I GIVE YOU 10 DAYS AT MOST IF NOT YOU'LL END UP ON NIL!

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